25 students of the university were awarded a Presidential scholarship
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 14 November 2023
  • 1631

25 students of the university were awarded a Presidential scholarship

25 students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University became holders of the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Presidential scholarship is awarded to students who have distinguished themselves by "excellent" academic performance and activity in the social work of the educational institution. Also, from the 3rd year of full-time education within the framework of the state educational order and on a paid basis, it is issued only to students studying for "excellent" (A, A -).

A 4th-year student of the specialty "Land Management" Akbota Amirtai also receives a presidential scholarship this year. — In addition to studying at the university, I am engaged in scientific research, – said Akbota Samatovna.

— I take an active part in public works, I show organizational skills. I was awarded a diploma of the II degree in the contest "The best graduate of the CIS-2022", organized by the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim-ockenieti", my article was included in the collection of books. I am glad that the amount of scholarships has increased since this year, this is a great opportunity for young people.

Among the holders of the presidential scholarship is a 3rd—year student of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" Akniet Maulen.

— I study on a paid basis, because of my high academic performance, I was able to apply for a presidential scholarship, - says Akniet Kairatovna. — In parallel with my studies, I am engaged in organizational activities at various social and creative events. I am also the head of the youth theater of the university "Zhaukazyn". We are currently preparing for a new production.

The scholarship is awarded to the following categories of students:

winners of national and international Olympiads, creative contests, sports competitions, festivals or who are the authors of discoveries, inventions;

having publications in collections of scientific papers, in national and international scientific journals;

actively engaged in research work, whose successes are confirmed by diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates;

taking an active part in the social, cultural and sports life of the university.

List of students who were awarded the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Arailym Almat is a 4th year student of EP 6B04141-Accounting and auditing.

Nursaule Seitkamalova is a 4th year student of EP 6B01303-Pedagogy and methods of primary education.

Aisulu Makash is a 4th year student of EP 6B01511-Mathematics-Computer Science.

Nuray Mukhiddin is a student of 4 EP 6B01511-Mathematics-Computer Science.

Aruzhan Ruslanova is a 4th year student of EP 6B07368- Cadastre.

Gaini Koshkinbayeva is a 4th year student of EP 6B01303-Pedagogy and methods of primary education.  

Gulnaz Ongar is a 4th year student of EP 6B01516-Chemistry-Biology.

Akbota Amirtai is a 4th year student of EP 6B07369– Land Management.

Nazym Balgarayeva is a 4th year student of EP 6B01303-Pedagogy and methods of primary education.  

Nursultan Abibullauly is a 4th year student of EP 6B10276-Social Work.  

Dina Adil is a 4th year student of EP 6B01516-Chemistry-Biology.   

Aizhan Orynbasar is a 4th year student of EP 6B04139-State and Local Government.

Makpal Abdukaimova is a4th year student of EP 6B01406-Physical culture and sports.      

Nuratai Zhaksybai is a 4th year student of EP 6B11279-Life safety and the environment.  

Ulan Zharylkasyn is a 4th year student of EP 6B01510-Mathematics.  

Zhanerke Kalieva is a 3rd year student of EP 6B01515-Chemistry.

Shapagat Karimberdieva is a3rd year student of EP 6B01721-Kazakh language and literature.    

Nurayim Zhasulanova is a 3rd year student of EP 6B01721-Kazakh language and literature. 

Akniet Maulen is a 3rd year student of EP 6B01721-Kazakh language and literature.  

Aruzhan Kenzhebekova is a 3rd year student of EP 6B10276-Social work.  

Assel Akhmet is a 4th year student of EP 6B04139-State and Local Government. 

Nurayim Kaskyrbaeva is a 4th year student of EP 6B01510-Mathematics.   

Uldana Abdykalyk-4th year student of EP 6B04139-State and Local Administration.  

Daniyar Shaukhatbekov is a 3rd year student of EP 6B01515-Chemistry.  

Aruzhan Shalmyrzayeva is a 3rd year student of EP 6B01517-Biology.

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University Media Center
Contact phone number: 8(7242) 26-21-34
e-mail: kmu.kmu@list.ru

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