Educational program of «Pedagogy, psychology and methods of primary education» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

The history of the educational program «Pedagogy, psychology and methods of primary education»

Welcome to the website of the Educational programs of «Pedagogy, psychology and methods of primary education» of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University!

In 2012, due to structural changes at the university and reforms in the training of specialists, the Department of General Pedagogy and Psychology were merged into the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. 9 years later, in 2021, in order to optimize professional educational activities at the university, the Department of "Pedagogy and Psychology" and the Department of "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education" with a 48-year history of training qualified specialists organizing the educational process in primary school, which lays the foundation of education, joined together in a large team, which today is called as "Psychological and pedagogical education and teaching methods" and is actively engaged in modern and high-quality professional educational and educational process for the youth of the country.

The mission of educational programs «Pedagogy, psychology and methods of primary education»

Train competitive personnel in preschool and primary education, based on the psychological and pedagogical aspects of personal development, providing the educational process with innovative technologies in accordance with the best international educational practices for the development of the university.

Development program for 2023-2029


501.png Bekzhanova Bakhytzhamal Zhorabekovna                                  

Head of the educational program, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


 telephone.png    8 707 531 60 51     


Educational program «Pedagogy, psychology and methods of primary education»

>  The Educational program of «Pedagogy, psychology and methods of primary education» trains specialists in the following educational programs:
Bachelor course 
6B01101-Pedagogy and psychology
6B01202-Preschool education and upbringing
6B01303- Pedagogy and methodology of primary education
7M01101-Pedagogy and psychology
7M01303- Pedagogy and methodology of primary education
Doctoral studies
8D01101-Pedagogy and Psychology(PhD)
8D01303- Pedagogy and methodology of primary education(PhD) 
6B01101 - Pedagogy and Psychology, 6B01202-Pedagogy of preschool education and training, 6B01303-Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 7M01101-Pedagogy and Psychology, 7M01303-Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 8D01101- Pedagogy and Psychology (Doctor of Philosophy PhD), 8D01303 – Pedagogy and methodology of primary education (Doctor of Philosophy PhD)
In the scientific activity of the department, the requirements of the standard "Research work in higher educational institutions" are fulfilled at a high level. The department works in several areas: on improving psychological and pedagogical management, psychological and pedagogical training and retraining at the university, studying psychological and pedagogical features of training and retraining of specialists.

Teaching staff

Bekzhanova Bahytzhamal

  • Function: Head of the educational program, Associate Professor, PhD
  • Information

Maygeldieva Sharban Musabekovna

  • Function: Pedagogy gylymdarynyn doctor, professor
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Igenbayeva Rabiga Tasbergenkyzy

Akbembetov Bulat Yeskaliyevich

  • Function: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Agybaeva Ultusyn Bektibaevna

  • Function: Associate professor, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Naurizbayeva Rakhat

  • Function: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
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Utegenov Zhetkergen Musayevich

Koizhybaev Makhambetzhan Nakhypbekuly

Seylova Zoya Tuleubayevna

  • Function: Academic Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Zhailauova Manat Kenesovna

  • Function: Professor, Associate Professor, PhD
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Abilkhairova Zhanar Aitbaevna

  • Function: Associate professor, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Kenzhebayeva Kundiz Serikovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Imangalieva Sholpan Duisenbayevna

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer
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Bekmurzaeyeva Raikhan Aimaganbetkyzy

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer
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Baimaganbetova Zhuldizay Turmatovna

  • Function: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer
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Zhanna Saparovna

  • Function: Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy PhD
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Daribayeva Sandigul Kulahanovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Omarova Lazzat Talipkyzy

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer
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Duisekeeva Nurgul Zhalelatdinovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Pedagogy and Psychology
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Orazymbetova Anar Dauilbayeva

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogy
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Nakypova Gulnur Kabyltayevna

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer
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Abuova Aynagul

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Zhamansarieva Lуazzat Daurevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Ernazarova Gulbarshyn Sharshybekova

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Philological Sciences
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Omirzakova Asel Makhambetovna

Kereibayeva Anar Umirzakovna

  • Function: Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Sarsenbay Ulmeken

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences, teacher
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Zhipashova Raisa Tolybaevna

Baibolova Dinara Turmaganbetovna

  • Function: Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Information

Akhmetova Ayan Seilkhanovna

  • Function: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, teacher
  • Information

Material and technical base of the educational program «Pedagogy, psychology and methods of primary education»

In order to implement the modern content of education, the material and technical base of the department is equipped with the latest modern equipment focused on innovative technologies. Special rooms "Psychological counseling", centers "Inclusive education" and "Mangilik El", 1 computer class and classrooms equipped with new generation computers. There are classrooms for students with special needs in the educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology".
In order to strengthen ties with production in accordance with the requirements of educational programs, branches of the department have been opened and operate on the basis of the department from the walls of the school, kindergarten, special school as an experimental platform in accordance with the direction of educational programs. Such branches operate on the basis of the state state garden "Altyn Uya", a family-type children's village "Atameken" in accordance with the content of educational programs "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", "Preschool education and upbringing", "Pedagogy and Psychology".
In the 2022 academic year, a branch of the Scientific and Educational Center "Harmonious Human Development" was opened. The branch was opened at the expense of the National Institute of Harmonious Human Development and consists of three laboratories:
1. Scientific Laboratory of Inclusive Education;
2. Educational laboratory of psychodiagnostics;
3. Laboratory of pedagogical excellence.

«Педагогика, психология және бастауыш оқыту әдістемесі» admission committee

Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University.


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