Educational program of «Biology, Geography and Chemistry» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

The history of the educational program «Biology, Geography and Chemistry»

In 2016-2020, the Educational programs was headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Ainur Turdybayevna Baikenzheeva, and since the 2020-2021 academic year, PhD doctor of philosophy G. B. Toktaganova.

Now the teaching staff of the Educational programs includes: 1 doctor of science (S. zh.Ibadullayeva), 1 Associate Professor (R. Kh. Kurmanbayev), 3 associate professors (A. S. Tapalova, G. Z. Sauytbayeva, A. T. Baikenzheeva), 9 candidates of science (R. B. Zhandauletova, G. M. Abyzbekova, Sh.O.Espenbetova, K. Sh.Arynova, G. T. Balykbaeva, O. T. aidarov, S. O. kosanov, A. berdenkulova, G. A. Nazarova,), 1 PhD doctor of Philosophy (G. B. toktaganova), 5 Master's degree teachers (G. R. Ongarbayeva, zh.Izbasarova, S. K. Tazhenova, N. N. Yerbolatov, K. B. Azhmoldaeva), 5 master's teachers (G. O. Baizuldaeva, zh.G.Aliyeva, P. zh.Nagashybayeva, B. Islambekuly, A. Nurgalieva).

Technical staff Zhusupova M. K. and Amanzholova T. T. contribute to the organizational work of the department in the educational process.



501.png Tokhtaganova Gulzhas Badanovna                                  

Head of the educational program, PhD Doctor


 telephone.png    8 701 337 2374   

Educational program of «Biology, Geography and Chemistry»

>  The Educational program of  «Biology, Geography and Chemistry» trains specialists in the following educational programs:
Bachelor's degree
«6В01517 – Biology»
«6В01518 – Geography»
«6В01519 – Geography-History»
«6В01515 – Chemistry»
«6В01516 – Chemistry - Biology»
Master’s degree
«7М01517 – Biology»
«7М01515 – Chemistry»
«7М01518 – География»
Doctoral studies
«8D01517 – Biology»
«8D01515 – Chemistry» 

Teaching staff

Tokhtaganova Gulzhas Badanovna

  • Function: Head of the educational program, PhD Doctor
  • Information

Kosanov Samalbek Urazbaevich

  • Function: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
  • Information

Espenbetova Sholpan Omarovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
  • Information

Ibadullayeva Saltanat Zharylkasynovna

  • Function: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
  • Information

Abyzbekova Gulmira Minbaevna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Scientific and Educational Center for Chemical and Biological Research named after T. D. Kuanyshbayev
  • Information

Anipa Tapalova

  • Function: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
  • Information

Kurmanbayev Rakhat Khamitovich

  • Function: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Information

Baykenzheeva Ainur Turdybayevna

  • Function: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Information

Sauytbaeva Gulsim Zikiriyevna

  • Function: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Information

Zhandavletova Raykhan Bulatovna

  • Function: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Academic Associate Professor
  • Information

Aidarov Orazkhan Tursunkozhaevich

  • Function: Candidate of Geographical Sciences, senior lecturer
  • Information

Arynova Karima Shataevna

  • Function: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer
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Berdenkulova Almagul Zhetkerbaevna

  • Function: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior lecturer
  • Information

Nazarova Gulmira Asylbekovna

  • Function: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer
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Izbasarova Zhanar Zhaksybaevna

  • Function: Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer
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Ungarbayeva Gulshat Ramazanovna

  • Function: Master of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer
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Nazarov Esenzhol

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences
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Yerbolatov Nurkasym Nurtazaevich

  • Function: Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer
  • Information

Balykbaeva Gulzhan Tolepbergenovna

  • Function: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
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Alieva Zhanar Ganievna

  • Function: Master of biological sciences, teacher
  • Information

Bayzuldayeva Gulsim Opabekovna

  • Function: Master of Natural Sciences, teacher
  • Information

Nurgalieva Ainur Alikhanovna

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher
  • Information

Azhmoldaeva Klara Baizhigitovna

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
  • Information

Tazhenova Sandugash Kalmakhanovna

  • Function: Master of Geography, Senior Lecturer
  • Information

Primbetova Aigul Imangalieva

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher
  • Information

Yesenalieva Fariza Serikovna

  • Function: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher
  • Information

Material and technical base of the educational program «Biology, Geography and Chemistry»

In the ЕP «Biology, Geography and Chemistry» for students of educational programs 6B01517 – «Biology», 7M01517 – «Biology», 8D01517 – «Biology», 6B01518 – «Geography», 6M01518 – «Geography», 6B01515 – «Chemistry», 7M01515 – «Chemistry», 8D01515 – «Chemistry», 6B01516 – «Chemistry-Biology» there are 3 lecture halls, 13 laboratories, 4 special rooms, 4 computer rooms, 6 lecture halls for practical seminars.

The Geology Room

“General and inorganic chemistry” educational and research laboratory

Workshop for teaching natural sciences

«Zoological museum»

Center for Microbiological Scientific Research

Scientific and Educational Center for Chemical and Biological Research named after T.D. Kuanishbaev

Scientific and Methodological Center for Chemical Education named after Kulbaram Saduakasovna


Admission committee of the educational program «Biology, Geography and Chemistry»

Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University. 


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