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The list of educational programs and areas of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University by groups of educational programs 2020 - 2021

The list of educational programs and areas of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University by groups of educational programs 2021-2022

The list of educational programs and areas of bachelor's studies of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University by groups of educational programs 2022-2023

The list of educational programs for bachelor's studies, master's  and doctoral studies of Korkyt Ata University in the context of training areas and groups of educational programs for the 2023-2024 academic year


The list of qualifications for graduates in 2023 according to the bachelor's degree programs of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

List of qualifications for graduates in 2022 according to the bachelor's degree programs of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University (accelerated)


Minor programs

The university component and the catalog of elective disciplines

Number of the educational program Group Name of groups of educational programs Code, name and passport of the OP

6B01 Pedagogical sciences

В001 Pedagogy and psychology 1. 6B01101 - Pedagogy and psychology
В002 Pre-school education and upbringing 2. 6В01202 - Pre-school education and upbringing
В003 Pedagogy and methods of primary education 3. 6В01303 - Pedagogy and method sofprimary education
В004 Teacher training in basic military training 4. 6В01404 - Basic military training
В005 Training of physical culture teachers  5. 6B01405 - Physical culture and sports
В006 Training of music teachers 6. 6B01407 - Musical education
В007 Training of teachers of art work and drawing 7. 6В01409 - Training of teachers of art work and drawing
В009 Training of mathematics teachers 8. 6B01510 - Mathematics

9. 6В01511 - Mathematics-Сomputer Science

В010 Training of physics teachers

10. 6B01582 - Training of physics teachers

11. 6В01513 - Physics - Informatics

В011 Training of computer science teachers 12. 6B01514 - Computer science
В012 Chemistry teacher training

13. 6В01515 - Chemistry

14. 6В01516 - Chemistry-Biology

В013 Biology teacher training 15. 6В01517 - Biology
В014 Geography teacher training

16. 6В01518 - Geography

17. 6B01519 - Geography-history

В015 Humanities teacher training 18. 6В016198 - History
В016 Training teachers of the Kazakh language and literature 19. 6В01721 - Kazakh language and literature
В017 Russian language teacher training

20. 6B01722 - Russian language and literature

21. 6B01784 - Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction

В018 Training of Foreign Language teachers 22. 6B01725 - Foreign language: two foreign languages

6В02 Arts and Humanities

В021  Performing arts 23. 6B02128 - Traditional music art 
В028  Choreography 24. 6B02130 - Choreography
В031 Fashion, design 25. 6В02132 - Design
В034 History and Archeology 26. 6В02234 - Archeology and Ethnology
В036 Translation business 27. 6B02335 - Translation business
В037 Philology 28. 6B02336 - Kazakh philology

6В03 Socialsciences, journalismandinformation 

В042 Journalism and reporting

29. 6B03238 - Journalism(TV and Radio)

30. 6B03270 - Journalism

6В04 Business, management and law

В044  Management and administration

31. 6B04139 - State and local governance

32. 6B04140 - Economics

33. 6B04104 - Management. Marketing. Sales

В045 Audit and taxation 34. 6B04141 - Accounting and auditing
В046 Finance, Economics, Banking and Insurance 35. 6B04143 - Finance
В049 Law

36. 6B04245 - Jurisprudence (Civil law)

37. 6B04246 - Jurisprudence (Criminal law)

38. 6B04247 - Administrative justice

6В05 Science, mathematics and statistics

В051 Environment 39. 6B05283 - Ecology and nature management

6В06 Information and communication technology

В057 Information Technology

40. 6B06149 - Information Systems

41. 6B06150 - Computing and software

В058   Information Security 42. 6B06152 - Information Security Systems

6В07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries

В060 Chemical Engineering and Processes 43. 6B07154 - Chemical technology of organic substances
В062 Electrical Engineering and Energy 44. 6B07155 - Power industry
В063 Electrical engineering and automation 45. 6B07189 - Automation and control
В064         Mechanics and metalworking            46. 6B07158 - Technological machines and equipment(by branches)
В065  Motor vehicles 47. 6B07159 - Transport Equipment and technology
В068 Food production 48. 6B07260 - Technology and food processing machinery
В071  Mining and mining 

49. 6В07261 - Oil and gas business

50. 6B07262 - Mining

51. 6B07263 - Geology and exploration of mineral deposits

52. 6B07264 - Mineral Processing

В074 Urban planning, construction and civil engineering

53. 6B07365 - Сonstruction

54. 6В07366 - Production of materials, products and designs 

55. 6B07367- Engineering systems and networks

В075 Cadastre and land management

56. 6B07368 - Сadastre

57. 6B07369 - Land Management

6В08 Agriculture and bioresources

В077 Crop production 58. 6В08171 - Agronomy
  Livestock 59. 6В08272 - Livestock products
В082 Water resources and water use

60. 6B08674 - Water resources and water use

61. 6B08675 - Мelioration, recultivation and protection of lands

В183 Agroengineering  62. 6B08773 - Agricultural machinery and technology

6В11 Services

B091 Tourism 63. 6B11177 - Tourism
В094 Sanitary and preventive measures                        64. 6B11279 - Life safety and environmental protection
В095 Transportation Services 65. 6В11380 - Organization of transportation, motion and usage of the transport
В114 Social work 66. 6B11401 - Social work



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